JFW X Lindt Arabia 2019 Chocolate Couture Fashion Show

Jordan Fashion Week collaborated with Lindt Arabia on creating a successful couture fashion show. The winner of the Lindt’s show was decided through votes cast by Jury members and Lindt awarded Best of Show to the design that best responds to their theme.
On Saturday, March 30, JFW’s well-heeled attendees lined up at the door to watch Lindt’s first annual fashion show. Designers weren’t restricted to any specific materials, instead, Lindt Arabia provided our designers reference images of their different chocolate brands. The challenge for these 10 designers was to create pieces that evoke Lindt’s different flavors.
“People saw that each designer has approached the theme in their own unique way for an exciting and diverse fashion show,” Said Shirene Rifai. “Their designs were over-the-top and indulgent!”