Jordan Fashion Week 2019 Press Conference: Launching Jordan’s Official Fashion Week

Amman- Jordan March 4th, 2019 Jordan Fashion Week launched at W Amman at a press conference, announcing the dates of the foreseen event, taking place in Amman, on the 29th and 30th of March. The press conference hosted top Jordanian business leaders in addition to JFW’s partners, sponsors, prominent public figures with media and social media representatives.
The founder of Jordan Fashion Week, Shirene Rifai; has built this platform to encourage young local talents to spread their creativity within this field while offering job opportunities and inspiration to the whole community. This platform aims to provide an extraordinary impact over the local talents to cement Jordan’s presence in the fashion industry, surpassing the ordinary by formulating humanitarian efforts, tackling economic issues to support tourism, in addition to being the platform for local designers to expand globally.